
Research and Projects


CORHEL (CORona-HELiosphere) is a software suite that models the ambient solar corona and inner heliosphere for a specific period of interest. It combines various solar and heliospheric codes to produce a global description of the plasma and magnetic field. Boundary conditions are derived from user-chosen photospheric magnetograms. CORHEL was originally developed as part of NSF's CISM program. Current and future developments are being supported through NASA's Living with a Star and Strategic Capabilities program.

Coronal Modeling

White-light eclipse and coronagraph images of the Sun reveal the complex structure of the Sun's outer atmosphere, the solar corona. The structures observed are produced by the interaction of the solar wind with the coronal magnetic field. Advances in coronal modeling techniques now allow us to realistically simulate this interaction. This project also includes specific examples of our calculations and comparisons of our results with coronal data.


The HMI/SDO modeling website provides a set of visualization and analysis tools for interpreting and understanding measurements from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission, and, in particular, data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument. Model data can be displayed in various ways, including the spacecraft trajectory data and the simulated EUV and X-ray measurements. The data can also be downloaded and viewed using several applications/routines provided on the website. Support for this project is provided through contracts with the HMI team.


The MHDweb modeling website provides a series of coronal and heliospheric model solutions covering an interval of more than 30 years. It is developed as a general purpose tool for exploring global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) results. Model data can be displayed in various ways. The data can also be downloaded and viewed using several applications/routines provided on the website. Support for this project was provided by NASA's Heliophysics Theory Program.


The STEREO modeling website aims to provide sophisticated, web-based visualization and analysis tools for interpreting and understanding measurements from the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) mission. Model data can be displayed in various ways, including spacecraft trajectory data, time series comparisons with STEREO observations, and simulated EUV measurements. The data can also be downloaded and viewed using several applications/routines provided on the website. Support for this project is provided through contracts with both the IMPACT and SECCHI STEREO teams.

Influenza Prediction

The Influenza Prediction website is a prototype set of pages that describe our efforts to predict seasonal influenza. Currently, we are participating in the CDC Influenza challenge.

COVID-19 Modeling

The COVID-19 Modeling website is a prototype SEIR model to explore intervention strategies for COVID-19.