
Dr. Erika Palmerio

Research Scientist

epalmerio (at) predsci.com

Predictive Science Inc.
9990 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 170
San Diego, CA 92121, United States

orcid 0000-0001-6590-3479


  • [1] Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., and Savani, N. P.: Planar magnetic structures in coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions, Annales Geophysicae, 34, 313–322, doi:10.5194/angeo-34-313-2016, 2016. [pdf]

    [2] Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., James, A. W., Green, L. M., Pomoell, J., Isavnin, A., and Valori, G.: Determining the intrinsic CME flux rope type using remote-sensing solar disk observations, Solar Physics, 292:39, doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1063-x, 2017. [pdf]

    [3] James, A. W., Green, L. M., Palmerio, E., Valori, G., Reid, H. A. S., Baker, D., Brooks, D. H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: On-disc observations of flux rope formation prior to its eruption, Solar Physics, 292:71, doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1093-4, 2017. [pdf]

    [4] Möstl, C., Amerstorfer, T., Palmerio, E., Isavnin, A., Farrugia, C. J., Lowder, C., Winslow, R. M., Donnerer, J. M., Kilpua, E. K. J., and Boakes, P. D.: Forward modeling of coronal mass ejection flux ropes in the inner heliosphere with 3DCORE, Space Weather, 16, 216–229, doi:10.1002/2017SW001735, 2018. [pdf]

    [5] Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Möstl, C., Bothmer, V., James, A. W., Green, L. M., Isavnin, A., Davies, J. A., and Harrison, R. A.: Coronal magnetic structure of earthbound CMEs and in situ comparison, Space Weather, 16, 442–460, doi:10.1002/2017SW001767, 2018. [pdf]

    [6] Palmerio, E., Scolini, C., Barnes, D., Magdalenić, J., West, M. J., Zhukov, A. N., Rodriguez, L., Mierla, M., Good, S. W., Morosan, D. E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Pomoell, J., and Poedts, S.: Multipoint study of successive coronal mass ejections driving moderate disturbances at 1 au, The Astrophysical Journal, 878:37, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab1850, 2019. [pdf]

    [7] Kilpua, E. K. J., Good, S. W., Palmerio, E., Asvestari, E., Lumme, E., Ala-Lahti, M., Kalliokoski, M. M. H., Morosan, D. E., Pomoell, J., Price, D. J., Magdalenić, J., Poedts, S., and Futaana, Y.: Multipoint observations of the June 2012 interacting interplanetary flux ropes, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 6:50, doi:10.3389/fspas.2019.00050, 2019. [pdf]

    [8] Palmroth, M., Praks, J., Vainio, R., Janhunen, P., Kilpua, E. K. J., Afanasiev, A., Ala-Lahti, M., Alho, A., Asikainen, T., Asvestari, E., Battarbee, M., Binios, A., Bosser, A., Brito, T., Dubart, M., Envall, J., Ganse, U., Ganushkina, N. Yu., George, H., Gieseler, J., Good, S., Grandin, M., Haslam, S., Hedman, H.-P. , Hietala, H., Jovanovic, N., Kakakhel, S., Kalliokoski, M., Kettunen, V. V., Koskela, T., Lumme, E., Meskanen, M., Morosan, D., Mughal, M. R., Niemelä, P., Nyman, S., Oleynik, P., Osmane, A., Palmerio, E., Peltonen, J., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Plosila, J., Polkko, J., Poluianov, S., Pomoell, J., Price, D., Punkkinen, A., Punkkinen, R., Riwanto, B., Salomaa, L., Slavinskis, A., Säntti, T., Tammi, J., Tenhunen, H., Toivanen, P., Tuominen, J., Turc, L., Valtonen, E., Virtanen, P., and Westerlund, T.: FORESAIL-1 cubesat mission to measure radiation belt losses and demonstrate deorbiting, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 5783–5799, doi:10.1029/2018JA026354, 2019. [pdf]

    [9] Kilpua, E. K. J., Fontaine, D., Moissard, C., Ala-Lahti, M., Palmerio, E., Yordanova, E., Good, S. W., Kalliokoski, M. M. H., Lumme, E., Osmane, A., Palmroth, M., and Turc, L.: Solar wind properties and geospace impact of coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions: variation and driver dependence, Space Weather, 17, 1257–1280, doi:10.1029/2019SW002217, 2019. [pdf]

    [10] Morosan, D. E., Palmerio, E., Lynch, B. J., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Extended radio emission associated with a breakout eruption from the back side of the Sun, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 633:A141, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936878, 2020. [pdf]

    [11] Scolini, C., Chané, E., Temmer, M., Kilpua, E. K. J., Dissauer, K., Veronig, A. M., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Dumbović, M., Guo, J., Rodriguez, L., and Poedts, S.: CME–CME interactions as sources of CME geoeffectiveness: The formation of the complex ejecta and intense geomagnetic storm in 2017 early September, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 247:21, doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ab6216, 2020. [pdf]

    [12] Morosan, D. E., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Three-dimensional reconstruction of multiple particle acceleration regions during a coronal mass ejection, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635:A62, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937133, 2020. [pdf]

    [13] Good, S. W., Ala-Lahti, M., Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., and Osmane, A.: Radial evolution of magnetic field fluctuations in an interplanetary coronal mass ejection sheath, The Astrophysical Journal, 893:110, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab7fa2, 2020. [pdf]

    [14] Kilpua, E. K. J., Fontaine, D., Good, S. W., Ala-Lahti, M., Osmane, A., Palmerio, E., Yordanova, E., Moissard, C., Hadid, L. Z., and Janvier, M.: Magnetic field fluctuation properties of coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions in the near-Earth solar wind, Annales Geophysicae, 38, 999–1017, doi:10.5194/angeo-38-999-2020, 2020. [pdf]

    [15] Morosan, D. E., Palmerio, E., Räsänen, J. E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Magdalenić, J., Lynch, B. J., Kumari, A., Pomoell, J., and Palmroth, M.: Electron acceleration and radio emission following the early interaction of two coronal mass ejections, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 642:A151, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038801, 2020. [pdf]

    [16] Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Witasse, O., Barnes, D., Sánchez-Cano, B., Weiss, A. J., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Möstl, C., Jian, L. K., Mierla, M., Zhukov, A. N., Guo, J., Rodriguez, L., Lowrance, P. J., Isavnin, A., Turc, L., Futaana, Y., and Holmström, M.: CME magnetic structure and IMF preconditioning affecting SEP transport, Space Weather, 19, e2020SW002654, doi:10.1029/2020SW002654, 2021. [pdf]

    [17] Lynch, B. J., Palmerio, E., DeVore, C. R., Kazachenko, M. D., Dahlin, J. T., Pomoell, J., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Modeling a coronal mass ejection from an extended filament channel. I. Eruption and early evolution, The Astrophysical Journal, 914:39, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abf9a9, 2021. [pdf]

    [18] Palmerio, E., Nitta, N. V., Mulligan, T., Mierla, M., O'Kane, J., Richardson, I. G., Sinha, S., Srivastava, N., Yardley, S. L., and Zhukov, A. N.: Investigating remote-sensing techniques to reveal stealth coronal mass ejections, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8:695966, doi:10.3389/fspas.2021.695966, 2021. [pdf]

    [19] Asvestari, E., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Good, S., Chatzistergos, T., Temmer, M., Palmerio, E., Poedts, S., and Magdalenic, J.: Modelling a multi-spacecraft coronal mass ejection encounter with EUHFORIA, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 652:A27, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140315, 2021. [pdf]

    [20] Myllys, M., Henri, P., Vallières, X., Gilet, N., Nilsson, H., Palmerio, E., Turc, L., Wellbrock, A., Goldstein, R., and Witasse, O.: Electric field measurements at the plasma frequency around comet 67P by RPC-MIP on board Rosetta, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 652:A73, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936633, 2021. [pdf]

    [21] Palmerio, E., Kay, C., Al-Haddad, N., Lynch, B. J., Yu, W., Stevens, M. L., Pal, S., and Lee, C. O.: Predicting the magnetic fields of a stealth CME detected by Parker Solar Probe at 0.5 au, The Astrophysical Journal, 920:65, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac25f4, 2021. [pdf]

    [22] Lario, D., Richardson, I. G., Palmerio, E., Lugaz, N., Bale, S. D., Stevens, M. L., Cohen, C. M. S., Giacalone, J., Mitchell, D. G., Szabo, A., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Wilson, L. B., Christian, E. R., Hill, M. E., McComas, D. J., McNutt, R. L., Schwadron, N. A., and Wiedenbeck, M. E.: Comparative analysis of the 2020 November 29 solar energetic particle event observed by Parker Solar Probe, The Astrophysical Journal, 920:123, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac157f, 2021. [pdf]

    [23] Palmerio, E., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Kilpua, E. K. J., Barnes, D., Zhukov, A. N., Jian, L. K., Witasse, O., Provan, G., Tao, C., Lamy, L., Bradley, T. J., Mays, M. L., Möstl, C., Roussos, E., Futaana, Y., Masters, A., and Sánchez-Cano, B.: Magnetic structure and propagation of two interacting CMEs from the Sun to Saturn, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2021JA029770, doi:10.1029/2021JA029770, 2021. [pdf]

    [24] Nitta, N. V., Mulligan, T., Kilpua, E. K. J., Lynch, B. J., Mierla, M., O'Kane, J., Pagano, P., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Richardson, I. G., Rodriguez, L., Rouillard, A. P., Sinha, S., Srivastava, N., Talpeanu, D.-C., Yardley, S. L., and Zhukov, A. N.: Understanding the origins of problem geomagnetic storms associated with “stealth” coronal mass ejections, Space Science Reviews, 217:82, doi:10.1007/s11214-021-00857-0, 2021. [pdf]

    [25] Getachew, T., McComas, D. J., Joyce, C. J., Palmerio, E., Christian, E. R., Cohen, C. M. S., Desai, M. I., Giacalone, J., Hill, M. E., Matthaeus, W. H., McNutt, R. L., Mitchell, D. G., Mitchell, J. G., Rankin, J. S., Roelof, E. C., Schwadron, N. A., Szalay, J. R., Zank, G. P., Zhao, L.-L., Lynch B. J., Phan, T. D., Bale, S. D., Whittlesey, P. L., and Kasper, J. C.: PSP/IS⊙IS observations of a solar energetic particle event associated with a streamer blowout coronal mass ejection during Encounter 6, The Astrophysical Journal, 925:212, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac408f, 2022. [pdf]

    [26] Palmerio, E., Lee, C. O., Mays, M. L., Luhmann, J. G., Lario, D., Sánchez-Cano, B., Richardson, I. G., Vainio, R., Stevens, M. L., Cohen, C. M. S., Steinvall, K., Möstl, C., Weiss, A. J., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Li, Y., Larson, D. E., Heyner, D., Bale, S. D., Galvin, A. B., Holmström, M., Khotyaintsev, Yu. V., Maksimovic, M., and Mitrofanov, I. G.: CMEs and SEPs during November–December 2020: A challenge for real-time space weather forecasting, Space Weather, 20, e2021SW002993, doi:10.1029/2021SW002993, 2022. [pdf]

    [27] Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Alzate, N., Cremades, H., Rodríguez-García, L., Dos Santos, L. F. G., Narock, A., Xie, H., Szabo, A., Palmerio, E., Krupar, V., Pulupa, M., Lario, D., Stevens, M. L., Wilson, L. B., Kwon, R.-Y., Mays, M. L., St. Cyr, O. C., Hess, P., Reeves, K. K., Seaton, D. B., Niembro, T., Bale, S. D., and Kasper, J. C.: Direct first Parker Solar Probe observation of the interaction of two successive interplanetary coronal mass ejections in 2020 November, The Astrophysical Journal, 930:88, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac590b, 2022. [pdf]

    [28] Pal, S., Lynch, B. J., Good, S. W., Palmerio, E., Asvestari, A., Pomoell, J., Stevens, M. L., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Eruption and interplanetary evolution of a stealthy streamer-blowout CME observed by PSP at ~0.5 AU, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9:903676, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.903676, 2022. [pdf]

    [29] Mierla, M., Zhukov, A. N., Berghmans, D., Parenti, S., Auchère, F., Heinzel, P., Seaton, D. B., Palmerio, E., Jejčič, S., Janssens, J., Kraaikamp, E., Nicula, B., Long, D. M., Hayes, L. A., Jebaraj, I. C., Talpeanu, D.-C., D'Huys, E., Dolla, L., Gissot, S., Magdalenić, J., Rodriguez, L., Shestov, S., Stegen, K., Verbeeck, C., Sasso, C., Romoli, M., and Andretta, V.: Prominence eruption observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 R by EUI/FSI aboard Solar Orbiter, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 662:L5, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244020, 2022. [pdf]

    [30] Lario, D., Wijsen, N., Kwon, R. Y., Sánchez-Cano, B., Richardson, I. G., Pacheco, D., Palmerio, E., Stevens, M. L., Szabo, A., Heyner, D., Dresing, N., Gómez-Herrero, R., Carcaboso, F., Aran, A., Afanasiev, A., Vainio, R., Riihonen, E., Poedts, S., Brüden, M., Xu, Z. G., and Kollhoff, A.: Influence of large-scale interplanetary structures on the propagation of solar energetic particles: The multi-spacecraft event on 2021 October 9, The Astrophysical Journal, 934:55, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac6efd, 2022. [pdf]

    [31] Lynch, B. J., Al-Haddad, N., Yu, W., Palmerio, E., and Lugaz, N.: On the utility of flux rope models for CME magnetic structure below 30 R, Advances in Space Research, 70, 1614–1640, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.05.004, 2022. [pdf]

    [32] Kay, C., Nieves-Chinchilla., T., Hofmeister, S. J., and Palmerio, E.: Beyond basic drag in interplanetary CME modeling: Effects of solar wind pile-up and high-speed streams, Space Weather, 20, e2022SW003165, doi:10.1029/2022SW003165, 2022. [pdf]

    [33] Palmerio, E., Lee, C. O., Richardson, I. G., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Dos Santos, L. F. G., Gruesbeck, J. R., Nitta, N. V., Mays, M. L., Halekas, J. S., Zeitlin, C., Xu, S., Holmström, M., Futaana, Y., Mulligan, T., Lynch, B. J., and Luhmann, J. G.: CME evolution in the structured heliosphere and effects at Earth and Mars during solar minimum, Space Weather, 20, e2022SW003215, doi:10.1029/2022SW003215, 2022. [pdf]

    [34] Wellbrock, A., Jones, G. H., Dresing, N., Coates, A. J., Simon Wedlund, C., Nilsson, H., Sanchez-Cano, B., Palmerio, E., Turc, L., Myllys, M., Henri, P., Goetz, C., Witasse, O., Nordheim, T. A., and Mandt, K.: Observations of a solar energetic particle event from inside and outside the coma of comet 67P, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030398, doi:10.1029/2022JA030398, 2022. [pdf]

    [35] Ledvina, V. E., Palmerio, E., McGranaghan, R. M., Halford, A. J., Thayer, A., Brandt, L., MacDonald, E. A., Bhaskar, A., Dong, C., Altintas, I., Colliander, J., Jin, M., Jain, R. N., Chatterjee, S., Shaikh, Z., Frissell, N. A., Chen, T. Y., French, R. J., Isola, B., McIntosh, S. W., Mason, E. I., Riley, P., Young, T., Barkhouse, W., Kazachenko, M. D., Snow, M., Ozturk, D. S., Claudepierre, S. G., Di Mare, F., Witteman, A., and Kuzub, J.: How open data and interdisciplinary collaboration improve our understanding of space weather: A risk and resiliency perspective, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9:1067571, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1067571, 2022. [pdf]

    [36] Winslow, R. M., Scolini, C., Jian, L. K., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Temmer, M., Carcaboso, F., Schmieder, B., Poedts, S., Lynch, B. J., Wood, B. E., Palmerio, E., Lugaz, N., Farrugia, C. J., Lee, C. O., Davies, E. E., Regnault, F., Salman, T. M., Török, T., Al-Haddad, N., Vourlidas, A., Manchester, W. B., Jin, M., Lavraud, B., and Galvin, A. B.: On the importance of investigating CME complexity evolution during interplanetary propagation, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9:1064175, doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1064175, 2022. [pdf]

    [37] Lee, C. O., Sánchez-Cano, B., DiBraccio, G. A., Mayyasi, M., Xu, S., Chamberlin, P., Davies, E., Scolini, C., Filwett, R. J., Ramstad, R., Palmerio, E., Lynch, B. J., Luhmann, J. G., Ehresmann, B., Guo, J., Allen, R. C., Vines, S., Winslow, R., and Elliott, H.: Heliophysics and space weather science at ~1.5 AU: Knowledge gaps and need for space weather monitors at Mars, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10:1064208, doi:10.3389/fspas.2023.1064208, 2023. [pdf]

    [38] Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Pal, S., Salman, T. M., Carcaboso, F., Guidoni, S. E., Cremades, H., Narock, A., Balmaceda, L. A., Lynch, B. J., Al-Haddad, N., Rodríguez-García, L., Narock, T. W., Dos Santos, L. F. G., Regnault, F., Kay, C., Wislow, R. M., Palmerio, E., Davies, E. E., Scolini, C., Weiss, A. J., Alzate, N., Jeunon, M., and Pujadas, R.: Redefining flux ropes in heliophysics, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10:1114838, doi:10.3389/fspas.2023.1114838, 2023. [pdf]

    [39] Kay, C., Nieves-Chinchilla., T., Hofmeister, S. J., and Palmerio, E.: An efficient, time-dependent high speed stream model and application to solar wind forecasts, Space Weather, 21, e2023SW003443, doi:10.1029/2023SW003443, 2023. [pdf]

    [40] Ledvina, V. E., Palmerio, E., Kay, C., Al-Haddad, N., and Riley, P.: Modeling CME encounters at Parker Solar Probe with OSPREI: Dependence on photospheric and coronal conditions, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 673:A96, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202245445, 2023. [pdf]

    [41] Dresing, N., Rodríguez-García, L., Jebaraj, I. C., Warmuth, A., Wallace, S., Balmaceda, L., Podladchikova, T., Strauss, R. D., Kouloumvakos, A., Palmroos, C., Krupar, V., Gieseler, J., Xu, Z., Mitchell, J. G., Cohen, C. M. S., de Nolfo, G. A., Palmerio, E., Carcaboso, F., Kilpua, E. K. J., Trotta, D., Auster, U., Asvestari, E., da Silva, D., Dröge, W., Getachew, T., Gómez-Herrero, R., Grande, M., Heyner, D., Holmström, M., Huovelin, J., Kartavykh, Y., Laurenza, M., Lee, C. O., Mason, G., Maksimovic, M., Mieth, J., Murakami, G., Oleynik, P., Pinto, M., Pulupa, M., Richter, I., Sánchez-Cano, B., Schuller, F., Ueno, H., Vainio, R., Vecchio, A., Veronig, A. M., and Wijsen, N.: The 17 April 2021 widespread solar energetic particle event, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 674:A105, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202345938, 2023. [pdf]

    [42] Wijsen, N., Lario, D., Sánchez-Cano, B., Jebaraj, I. C., Dresing, N., Richardson, I. G., Aran, A., Kouloumvakos, A., Ding, Z., Niemela, A., Palmerio, E., Carcaboso, F., Vainio, R., Afanasiev, A., Pinto, M., Pacheco, D., Poedts, S., and Heyner, D.: The effect of the ambient solar wind medium on a CME-driven shock and the associated gradual solar energetic particle event, The Astrophysical Journal, 950:172, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acd1ed, 2023. [pdf]

    [43] Kay, C., Nieves-Chinchilla., T., Hofmeister, S. J., Palmerio, E., and Ledvina, V. E.: A series of advances in analytic interplanetary CME modeling, Space Weather, 21, e2023SW003647, doi:10.1029/2023SW003647, 2023. [pdf]

    [44] Ben-Nun, M., Török, T., Palmerio, E., Downs, C., Titov, V. S., Linton, M. G., Caplan, R. M., and Lionello, R.: Deflection of coronal mass ejections in unipolar ambient magnetic fields, The Astrophysical Journal, 957:74, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acfe6c, 2023. [pdf]

    [45] Palmerio, E., Maharana, A., Lynch, B. J., Scolini, C., Good, S. W., Pomoell, J., Isavnin, A., and Kilpua, E. K. J.: Modeling a coronal mass ejection from an extended filament channel. II. Interplanetary propagation to 1 au, The Astrophysical Journal, 958:91, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad0229, 2023. [pdf]

    [46] Whitman, K., Egeland, R., Richardson, I. G., Allison, C., Quinn, P., Barzilla, J., Kitiashvili, I., Sadykov, V., Bain, H. M., Dierckxsens, M., Mays, M. L., Tadesse, T., Lee, K. T., Semones, E., Luhmann, J. G., Núñez, M., White, S. M., Kahler, S. W., Ling, A. G., Smart, D. F., Shea, M. A., Tenishev, V., Boubrahimi, S. F., Aydin, B., Martens, P., Angryk, R., Marsh, M. S., Dalla, S., Crosby, N., Schwadron, N. A., Kozarev, K., Gorby, M., Young, M. A., Laurenza, M., Cliver, E. W., Alberti, T., Stumpo, M., Benella, S., Papaioannou, A., Anastasiadis, A., Sandberg, I., Georgoulis, M. K., Ji, A., Kempton, D., Pandey, C., Li, G., Hu, J., Zank, G. P., Lavasa, E., Giannopoulos, G., Falconer, D., Kadadi, Y., Fernandes, I., Dayeh, M. A., Muñoz-Jaramillo, A., Chatterjee, S., Moreland, K. D., Sokolov, I. V., Roussev, I. I., Taktakishvili, A., Effenberger, F., Gombosi, T., Huang, Z., Zhao, L., Wijsen, N., Aran, A., Poedts, S., Kouloumvakos, A., Paassilita, M., Vainio, R., Belov, A., Eroshenko, E. A., Abunina, M. A., Abunin, A. A., Balch, C. C., Malandraki, O., Karavolos, M., Heber, B., Labrenz, J., Kühl, P., Kosovichev, A. G., Oria, V., Nita, G. M., Illarionov, E., O'Keefe, P. M., Jiang, Y., Fereira, S. H., Ali, A., Paouris, E., Aminalragia-Giamini, S., Jiggens, P., Jin, M., Lee, C. O., Palmerio, E., Bruno, A., Kasapis, S., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Sanahuja, B., Lario, D., Jacobs, C., Strauss, D. T., Steyn, R., van den Berg, J., Swalwell, B., Waterfall, C., Nedal, M., Miteva, R., Dechev, M., Zucca, P., Engell, A., Maze, B., Farmer, H., Kerber, T., Barnett, B., Loomis, J., Grey, N., Thompson, B. J., Linker, J. A., Caplan, R. M., Downs, C., Török, T., Lionello, R., Titov, V., Zhang, M., and Hosseinzadeh, P.: Review of solar energetic particle prediction models, Advances in Space Research, 72, 5161–5242, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.08.006, 2023. [pdf]

    [47] Verbeke, C., Mays, M. L., Kay, C., Riley, P., Palmerio, E., Dumbović, M., Mierla, M., Scolini, C., Temmer, M., Paouris, E., Balmaceda, L. A., Cremades, H., and Hinterreiter, J.: Quantifying errors in 3D CME parameters derived from synthetic data using white-light reconstruction techniques, Advances in Space Research, 72, 5243–5262, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.08.056, 2023. [pdf]

    [48] Kay, C., and Palmerio, E.: Collection, collation, and comparison of 3D coronal CME reconstructions, Space Weather, 22, e2023SW003796, doi:10.1029/2023SW003796, 2024. [pdf]

    [49] Palmerio, E., Luhmann, J. G., Mays, M. L., Caplan, R. M., Lario, D., Richardson, I. G., Whitman, K., Lee, C. O., Sánchez-Cano, B., Wijsen, N., Li, Y., Cardoso, C., Pinto, M., Heyner, D., Schmid, D., Auster, H.-U., and Fischer, D.: Improved modelling of SEP event onset within the WSA–Enlil–SEPMOD framework, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 14:3, doi:10.1051/swsc/2024001, 2024. [pdf]

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