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SWQU Workshop OFT Assignment Instructions

In these instructions, we use {SWQU_DIR} to refer to the full path to the swqu_workshop/cpu or swqu_workshop/gpu directory created in the installation guides.

Download the OFT zenodo data:

cd swqu_workshop  
mkdir data  
cd data  
mkdir zenodo_hipft  

Use rsync/wget/scp/usb-drive/etc. to transfer the contents of the zenodo package into zenodo_hipft and untar the compressed files.

Source your startup script (e.g. "source {SWQU_DIR}/cpu/load_swqu_cpu")

cd {SWQU_DIR}  
mkdir swqu_workshop_assignment  
cd swqu_workshop_assignment  
mkdir oft  
cd oft  

Copy example hipft input file.

cp {SWQU_DIR}/oft/hipft/examples/flux_transport_1yr_flowCAa_diff300_assimdata_rfe/ .  

Open in a text editor and modify as follows:

  • Change the directories for the input map, flows, and data assimilation to reflect swqu_workshop/data/zenodo_hipft
  • Change the time_end to 72.0
  • Cahnge the output_map_time_cadence to 6.0
    If using the 1-year reduced data set:
  • Change the name of the data assimilation map csv file to: map_files_2022-01.csv

Run HipFT:

For CPU Windows/Linux: nohup mpirun -bind-to none -np 1 hipft 1>hipft.log 2>hipft.err &
For CPU Mac: nohup mpirun -np 1 hipft 1>hipft.log 2>hipft.err &
For GPU Windows/Linux: nohup mpirun -np 1 hipft 1>hipft.log 2>hipft.err &

Post Process HipFT Run: -utstart 2022-01-01T00:59:52 -tai -xunits hours -runtag swqu_flux_transport_3days_flowCAa_diff300_assimdata_rfe 2022-01-01T00:59:52 > hipft_history_summary.txt -dir output_maps -dpi 92 -o swqu_flux_transport_3days_flowCAa_diff300_assimdata_rfe -cmin -25 -cmax 25 -mldfile hipft_output_map_list_tai.out  

Process maps:

mkdir output_maps/processed_maps  
cd output_maps/processed_maps  

To process a single map (in this case idx0000001), use: -nt 181 -np 361 -smoothfac 2.0 ../hipft_brmap_idx000001.h5 -outdir . 

To proccess all the maps, use: -nt 181 -np 361 -smoothfac 2.0 .. -outdir . 

Plot the processed maps. -dir . -dpi 92 -o swqu_flux_transport_3days_flowCAa_diff300_assimdata_rfe -cmin -25 -cmax 25 -mldfile ../../hipft_output_map_list_tai.out
