SWQU Workshop SWiG Assignment Instructions
In these instructions, we use {SWQU_DIR} to refer to the full path to the swqu_workshop/cpu
or swqu_workshop/gpu
directory created in the installation guides.
These instructions assume the OFT assignment has already been completed.
Source your startup script (e.g. "source {SWQU_DIR}/cpu/load_swqu_cpu")
cd {SWQU_DIR}/swqu_workshop_assignment
mkdir swig
cd swig
Run SWiG on a single map:
swig.py -rundir . -np {NUM_CPUS} ../oft/output_maps/processed_maps/processed_hipft_brmap_idx000006.h5 -oidx 6
GPU (assuming 1 GPU and PC1 preconditioner):
swig.py -rundir . -np 1 -gpu ../oft/output_maps/processed_maps/processed_hipft_brmap_idx000006.h5 -oidx 6
Run SWiG on ALL maps:
swig_run_multiple_maps.py -outdir . -np {NUM_CPUS} ../oft/output_maps/processed_maps
GPU (assuming 1 GPU and PC1 preconditioner):
swig_run_multiple_maps.py -outdir . -np 1 -gpu ../oft/output_maps/processed_maps